5 Reasons Why Bowling is Fun for Kids {Kids Bowl FREE}

We live in an area where there is an overabundance of things to do, and, there were many times where we just drove past the bowling alley not giving it a second thought.  But, the bowling alley is actually a great place to take kids. 

You may have already discovered that the bowling alley is a diamond in the rough when it comes to entertaining your kids.  But, if you still need a little convincing, here are some reasons why  bowling alleys are fun for kids:

1) Check for deals.  It's pretty affordable to take your family bowling, and weekday deals can be extremely cheap (like $1 game and $1 shoe rental).  With the Kids Bowl Free Program your kids can get two FREE games of bowling every day all summer long.  You can check availibility in your state and sign up here.

2) It helps to teach kids patience.  They have to wait their turn, wait for all of the pins to be properly positioned, and wait for their bowling bowl to come back up to them.  Whether they like it or not, they will learn that they can't rush through a game of bowling.  It takes time & patience.

3) It is just as much fun for the kids as the adults.  I have to admit that, even with the bumper rails up, my husband and I were embarrassingly competitive.  But, it was all in good fun, and we really enjoyed the afternoon out.

4) Bumper rails are the greatest invention ever.  It makes it really easy for your kids (and you) to knock down some bowling pins, since they don't have the option of going in the gutter.  Also, our bowling alley is equipped with special little plastic dragons that the kids can use to push the bowling bowl down.  Your kids don't need any special technique.  You can help them put their bowling bowl onto the dragon.  Then, they can give it a push and watch it roll down the lane.

5) It's indoors, so it's perfect all year round.  In the winter, it's always warm.  In the summer, it can be a nice activity on a rainy day when the pool is closed, or an air conditioned oasis during those sweltering summer days.

Have you ever gone bowling with your kids?