Make a LEGO Minifigure Holiday Card

Need a quick way to say Happy Holidays? has got you covered. On their site, you can create a mini-figure family to spread some Christmas cheer.  It's totally FREE and you can download your custom creation and send it to as many people as you want to.

Here's my personalized card.  Merry Christmas from my LEGO family to yours!

I kept my card pretty simple, but you can make it as personalized as you want with different tops, bottoms, skin colors, facial expressions and hats.

If you want to make your own virtual card, you can add up to 13 people or pets.  They have figures for adults, kids, babies, cats and dogs. The backgrounds choices vary from tropical to traditional Christmas and frozen igloo, so there is something for everyone,

Just click on the image above to go to LEGO Minifigure family holiday web page.
