Fun Kid Food: Jumbo Marshmallows, BIG Cheez-Its, and Goldfish Bread

One day, there was someone who thought "Let's make it BIG and Moms everywhere will buy it!" 

Don't change the recipe. Don't change the color. Don't change the packaging.  Just make it BIG!

And, they were right. I got suckered in. 

My kids have always loved Cheez-Its, and they are even better when they're 120% bigger.  You don't need to eat 120% more.  But, these might make your belly 120% happier!

And, after you're done snacking on your BIG Cheez-Its, you might want a super-sized JUMBO Jet Puffed Marshmallow for dessert.  You only need one because they are ridiculously huge.

Goldfish get better when they're big too.  There is something special about an oversized smiling fish-shaped sandwich.  Seriously... isn't this Goldfish Sandwich Bread too cute?

What do you think... Is bigger better? Have you seen any other over-sized snacks?

Easter Brownie Bites with Jet Puffed Bunny Marshmallows

Q: What do you get when you make mini brownie bites and add some bunny marshmallows? 

A: An easy to make & delicious treat that your friends and family will love. 

I found these Jet-Puffed Bunny Marshmallows in the supermarket.  They are in little bunny shapes and lighted tinted in pastel colors that are perfect for Spring and Easter. My kids love any type of marshmallow, so I knew these would be a hit!

For these Easter Brownie Bites, you can use any type of Brownie mix you want, or make the healthy version that I made here

If you read my previous post about the black bean brownies and thought it was gross, I dare you to try it ONE time.  I would bet that everyone in your house loves them and not a single person would ever guess what the secret ingredient is.  But, you can always stick with your favorite brownie recipe too.  I was skeptical too, so I understand.

Here's how to make these easy, yummy Easter treats... 

Just use a mini-muffin tin to make your brownie bites.  Then, as soon as you get the brownies bites out of the oven, firmly press a bunny marshmallow onto each one.  They should be hot enough to melt the very bottom of the marshmallow onto the brownie, but still keep the marshmallow in tact.

Then, let them cool and you're done!  See... I told you this would be easy.  I recently made these and everyone loved them.  I don't know what they loved more, the mini brownies, the bunny marshmallows or the combination of the two.  But, whatever it was, it did the trick!

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Making Mealtime Fun with Goldfish Sandwich Bread

There are so many picky eaters out there and, recently, my three year old has been much more picky than usual.  A lot of my friends struggle with their kids' diet and they are always super happy about something that will entice their little ones to sit down and eat. 

It was actually my Mom who told me about this new Goldfish Sandwich Bread from Peppridge Farm.  It's crust-less bread in the shape of a smiling goldfish.  It is too cute!

My son and nephew loved eating goldfish sandwiches at their Grandparent's house. The bread itself is soft and thin so it's perfect for peanut butter and jelly or cheese.  (If you've ever had the Pepperidge Farm Deli Flats, the Goldfish Bread is similar to those).  Health-conscious moms like me won't feel guilty eating it because it's only 120 calories per serving & contains 3g of fiber per serving. Plus, it's a good source of calcium, and contains no high fructose corn syrup.  I was happy to see that they offer a wheat version in addition to the white.

My older son would love to take this to school in his lunch box, and it would also be a hit at a kid's birthday party or picnic.   It's a sandwich that smiles at you.  How sweet!

All opinions are my own. This is not a sponsored post, I just wanted to share this new product with you.

Weekly Highlights: Blog Posts from 'Local Fun' Moms

Disneyland Beignets - by Just Spotted - Just Spotted caught my attention when they posted the recipe for the beignets you'll find at Disneyland.  Even if you're not headed to Disneyland anytime soon, you can still treat yourself with this little piece of sugar covered heaven. They must be a billion calories, but they look amazing.  And, If you're not ready to indulge just yet, keep this recipe book-marked, because Fat Tuesday (March 8th, 2011) is just around the corner!

Carseats for the CarFree: Travel Vest vs. Backless Booster - by CarFree with Kids - This blog post really surprised me because I had no idea that a "travel vest" even existed.  It's basically a vest/harness for 4-8 year olds to be used in place of a booster seat which slightly resembles a sturdy life jacket (in my opinion).  It's probably something I wouldn't use because my husband and I are huge supporters of 5 point harness car seats (even for bigger kids too). But, this is a really interesting post that tells you the pros and cons of a travel vest vs. a backless booster.

Broccoli Cheese Vegetable Soup Recipe - by Akron Ohio Moms - This morning, I took a peak out the window and saw it was another cold, dreary day where you just want to stay-home-in-your-jammies and cuddle up with the kids.  And, it seems like this type of weather is exactly what most of the country is going through right now.  Akron Ohio Mom's broccoli cheese vegetable soup sounds like the perfect soup to warm you up on a cold winter day and give you a nice dose of vegetables.  I don't have all of the ingredients, but I might use what I have in the kitchen and cook up a batch of this soup today.

Of Metal Rabbits and Wood Dragons - by Albany Kid -  I love this article because it quickly sums up everything you need to know about: the Chinese calendar, your animal sign, Ying and Yang and your Heavenly Stem.   If you want to stay in-the-know and don't want to search the web forever, this is the article for you.  Learn something new!

Weekly Blog Round Up of 'Local Fun' Moms

A day in the life of a SuperMom - by The Ohana Mama - We've all been there.  You know... the days when you forget show-and-tell, left the diaper bag at home, or your kid got soaked sliding on a wet slide at the playground and the only thing you have in the car is a pair of snowpants (well, maybe that last one is just me...)  but these things happen to the best of us! Ohana Mama can relate.  Read all about it here. 

Things to Make - Salty Watercolors & Water Painting - by No Monsters in My Bed, DC-  This is an easy activity you can do with your kids at home.  All you need is watercolor paint or food coloring, white glue, table salt, a pan or platter, and thick paper or cardboard. Here are all of the details on how to make Salty Watercolor paintings with your kids. 

Home Made Mac & Cheese - by The Big Binder, MI-  I was watching a little bit of the Biggest Loser last night and Macaroni and Cheese was one of contestants' favorite food.  As I was watching, I was thinking how the boxed mac and cheese didn't look tasty enough to tempt me.  However, this mac & cheese recipe on The Big Binder sounds amazing!  There is even a word of warning that "It is dangerous" and "Do not plan on left overs!"  If you're on a diet, please forget you ever read this.  But, if not... here is the recipe.

4 Easy Ways to Save on Children’s Clothing - by Atlanta with Kid- A lot of moms use clearance and consignment shopping to save on kids clothes.  But, this post from Atlanta with Kid shares a couple other ideas that I've never heard of such as and Thred Up Clothes Swapping website.  Check out the details here.

Homemade French Bread Recipe by Iowa Moms - Before I had kids, going to the store to buy a loaf of French bread was easy.  But, once you have a kids, things change.  There have been so many times I didn't make it to the grocery store because my kids were napping, sick, just plain cranky, or all of the above!  So, the thought of staying home and making bread might actually be an easier alternative than running to the store. Here is Iowa Mom's easy recipe for making French bread at home.

Photo by Tina Phillips @

'Local Fun' Mom Blog Round-up

This past week, there have been so many great blog posts from 'Local Fun' Moms.  Here are some that I wanted to share.  Enjoy!         


Monster Jam - Just Spotted

Easy Indoor Fun: Yoga With Youngsters - Go West young Mom

Birthday Party for Baby: Planning Checklist - Springfield Moms

Family Fun Weekends at Disneyland - Daytripping Mom


Easy & Yummy Bread Pudding - Boston Mamas

Why You Should Make Home Made Pasta With Your Kids - La Jolla Mom

DIY: Maple Candy Using Snow - Fun 4 Kids in Buffalo



In Defense of Pajama Jeans - Birmingham Mom

From There to Here: The Pregnancy Police - Chambana Moms

Disrespect and the Disney Channel - Chambana Moms

Things that will cost more in 2011 and what you can do about it - Akron Ohio Moms


How to lighten the burden of bed rest - Mile High Mamas

10 Tips for Safe Sleep - Mile High Mamas

Homemade Baby Wipes - Chester County Moms

'Local Fun' Bloggers: Valentines Day Recipes, Postpartum Health, Blissdom and More!

Local Fun Moms have Something for Everyone

Virtual Cookie Exchange

I've been inspired by the Holiday season and my love of sugar to create this

Virtual Cookie Exchange & Blog Hop!

Easy as 1,2,3:

1) Just add your link and a photo of your cookie or sweet treat.

2) Follow your Hostess, Local Fun for Kids, on Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.

3) Follow any blogs you wish & be sure to leave a comment so you'll get a follow back!

Then, check out the other blogs and try not to get too hungry!


 Featured Cookies by 'Local Fun' Moms:


Amy, from Chambanamoms, describes these 'Chocolate Crinkles' as famous.  But, after reading about them on her site, they almost sound legendary.  And, what is her secret tip for keeping her cookies soft and chewy?... you'll have to check out  Chambanamoms to find out.



When you want to whip up a quick treat for the kids without spending hours in the kitchen, this Reindeer Cookie from Lehigh Valley Little Ones, can do the trick. You probably already have some of the ingredients in the pantry, and the kids can  get involved since there is no baking involved.  If you want to make Rudolf, here are the instructions.

 If mint chocolate is a family favorite around your house (like it is in mine), Jersey Family Fun knows how to satisfy your sweet tooth! These Minty M&M Holiday cookies drizzled with red and green chocolate look so delicious.  Here are the details