Spring Break

Spring Break Boredom Busters

Punxsutawney Phil, you tricked us! Where is our early spring?  

Spring is technically here, but it sure doesn't feel like it! The cold weather doesn't typically bother me, but at the moment, I am seriously longing for a nice warm spring day.  I cannot wait for this freezing winter weather to be a distant memory.  I'd even take a 'warm-ish' spring day, but, snow is in our forecast.  Yes. It looks like we're getting at least one more dose of chill before Easter.

Enough of my whining.  Let's get onto the Kid's Co-op.  This week, I'm looking for some quick and easy Easter themed boredom busters to keep my kids busy this week. What about you?

10 Spring Break Survival Tips


Are your kids home for Spring Break? Here are a few simple tips to help ensure a happy and fun week: 

1) Avoid the crowds - If you're planning field trips, "plan them for later in the afternoon when attractions are less likely to be crowded" says Jennifer of Jersey Family Fun.

2) Just Relax - Jessica, of DelcopaMoms says "I don't know about everyone else's families but mine runs from soccer to t-ball to gymnastics and back again. One week this spring, the kids don't have activities, we're vegging out! We have one planned activity the entire week. I also plan to hang, watch tv, probably do a TON of coloring but we're relaxing!"