
National Library Week: April 14-20, 2013


Did you know it's National Library Week?  Yes, this week we are honoring libraries across the country by celebrating their contributions to society and promoting library use.
If you've ever read my post Ten Reasons Why Your Local Library is the Perfect Place for Local Fun, you know I'm a fan of our local library. When my kids were babies and toddlers, we were always at our local library. They have many age appropriate programs with books, crafts, music and play time. It's a great place to socialize with other local moms, and get your kids out of the house.
This week, head over to your library to see what's new and take part in the celebration!

Learn more about National Library Week here.

10 Spring Break Survival Tips


Are your kids home for Spring Break? Here are a few simple tips to help ensure a happy and fun week: 

1) Avoid the crowds - If you're planning field trips, "plan them for later in the afternoon when attractions are less likely to be crowded" says Jennifer of Jersey Family Fun.

2) Just Relax - Jessica, of DelcopaMoms says "I don't know about everyone else's families but mine runs from soccer to t-ball to gymnastics and back again. One week this spring, the kids don't have activities, we're vegging out! We have one planned activity the entire week. I also plan to hang, watch tv, probably do a TON of coloring but we're relaxing!"

15+ Fun Things to Do With Kids on Rainy & Snowy Days

Isn't it funny how things come around full circle?  I originally posted this last January, but since we're in a rainy, dreary slump here in the Philadelphia suburbs, I thought I'd re-post for all the other families that are going a bit stir crazy and trying to beat the winter blues!


You know those rainy, snowy, foggy days where you really need to keep busy in order to maintain any sanity?  It's so easy to just let the kids watch t.v. all afternoon or play video games. But, I really try to make a conscious effort to keep those things limited and get everyone focused on other activities.  I'm not saying that it always works.  But, here are 15 ideas to get us through more of these long winter days....

1) Craft with recycled materials or other things you already have at home. I recently found this Jellyfish in a bottle (shown to the right) on Pinterest. My sons also loved creating sculptures with styrofoam and pipe cleaners. Crafts such as DIY Snowflake Window Clings, Recycling your Crayons are easy and fun. Plus, you probably already have the supplies around the house. 

 2) Make paper snowflakes out of recycled paper or coffee filters.

3) Do some simple science experiments. Bill Nye the Science Guy also has many kid-friendly science experiments listed here.

4) Make a contact paper collage.

5) Make a sensory box filled with colored rice. Or search Google for other great sensory box ideas.

6) Make clay  or play dough out of a few simple ingredients that you have in your pantry.  You can even make your own colorful clay by adding a few drops of food coloring. 

7) Go to your local library for some good books and a change of scenery. Continue here to read: Ten reasons why your local library is perfect place for indoor fun.

8) Make sock puppets with some of your mismatched socks and things you find around the house.

9) An afternoon bath can be so much fun. Gather up all of their race cars and have a 'car wash' in the bath tub, have a barbie pool party or play with other water toys. Or check out more activities on the Bath Activities for Kids website.

10) Check the Best Blogs for Local Fun to see what's going on in your area. Escape to an indoor play ground, bowling alley, mall or museum.

11) Make a bird feeder. Here are 5 easy ideas for DIY Bird feeders.

12) Snuggle up and read books. "Children are made readers on the laps of their parents."  - Emilie Buchwald

13) Take masking tape and create your own giant maze on the rug or a new race track for your kids' hot wheels.

14) Make a special treat like these Valentine Pops, Raspberry Bars or Banana Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins.

15) Call a neighbor or friend and have them join you for some indoor fun.

 Do you have any other ideas? Leave a comment below.